J.Crew Chambray Shirt: here, Banana Republic Jeans: old, Something in Mind hat: similar (and on sale!), MAC Cosmetics Ruby Woo Lipstick: here, Uniqlo Leg Warmers: similar, Hunter Rainboots: here
Who said snow days were only for kids? I disagree. Even though Blizzard Juno did not live up to the weatherman's expectations, it happily provided most of us in the tri-state area with a snow day! What does one do when it snows? Have a photoshoot of course.
I fought the urge to stay in pajamas today. One of my new year's resolutions was to actually wear the things in my closet and not wait for a certain occasion, like I tend to do. I bit the bullet and headed outside. Luckily by me in NJ the snow wasn't as bad as predicted but for little gal like myself, a foot of snow is plenty annoying to walk through. I was in a denim mood and knew exactly how to wear this J.Crew chambray in the winter. (See here for how I wore it in the summer). Denim on denim is one of my go-to's and I used to be afraid of trying it because I didn't want to look like Britney and Justin circa 2001 at the American Music Awards. They also say you lose most of your heat through the top of your head so I had to stay warm in this funky hat.
Hope you're all staying warm in this wintry weather!
xo, Maia
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