Practicing Creativity

January 31, 2018

Sketches done by me while I was studying at F.I.T.

Happy Wednesday! Let’s start this post with some honesty. I thought I was the exception to this rule. Having to consistently practice at something was a concept I’ve always understood. We're taught, practice makes perfect. We grow up understanding that the amount of work we put into something determines the kind of outcome we’re going to get it. If I’m honest, I didn’t think that same practice applied to a creative. Call me ignorant, but I always just created. It wasn’t a method of practice, I just created things. Created drawings in art class, created makeup bags in my sewing class, and created designs in fashion school. It was just something that was done not something that was practiced.

I will say that in hindsight, my belief that practicing creativity was unnecessary is hilarious. I was made aware of my error in thinking while reading “The Creative Habit” by Twyla Tharp. Thanks to my Dad, a fellow creative (he’s an architect), I was introduced to this concept of practicing creativity.

The main reason I was stuck in such a rut creating content for my blog was because I wasn’t practicing creativity; I wasn’t practicing anything. I didn’t have a creative routine. While my creative spurts come and go, I’ve learned a trick (thanks to the book!) that helps me stay motivated. When I’m not creating content, or drawing or designing, I feel blah, the color in my life dims. Not a good feeling, but I thrive off creating and it’s taken some time to realize that.

Lately I’ve been taking an hour everyday (or almost everyday) to practice creativity. Whether it’s doodling, or writing, I’m taking the time to express my creativity because not only is it fun, it’s stress relieving, and I'm able brainstorm without the pressure of a deadline.  It allows for creative ideas to flow freely without distraction. Just like we create daily routines when it comes to maintaining physical fitness, eating habits, socializing, creating a creative habit was n e c c e s s a r y for me.

Here are a few ideas that have worked for me: 

1. Listening to music that inspires me. You'll find me listening to the playlists featured in this post to help me get the creative juices flowing.
2. Always have either a drawing pad or a notebook & really cool pencils. Love these!
3. Being in a quite spot. My bedroom or maybe the library, somewhere where I will get distracted.
4. Water or tea - cause a girl gets thirsty! Tea also relaxes me and I feel more creative when I'm less stressed. 

While I’m still reading the book and learning, I wanted to share that little tidbit with you all! I’ve been on a real self-help book kick so let me know if you’d like to share a list of my favorites.

Thanks for reading today’s post.

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